Our workshops are based on the following themes:

Self Awareness
Self Expression
Listening And Observation Skills
Art Of Dialogue
Bodywork And Massage
 Meditation And Stillness Through Music

Brief notes on some workshops we've offered

Body Work

Our current way of living is predominantly mind-based. Becoming aware of the body is crucial for both, our physical and emotional health. Through awareness of the body one can gain access to the story of our lives and to our past traumas. It helps to identify and resolve blocks which hinder growth. A trained bodywork practitioner can tell you much about your life and character simply by looking at body posture and movement. Bodywork helps us to re-align our bodies and our psyches in a way that leads to greater awareness and fulfillment.
Bodywork workshops include dance and movment, touch and massage and breath-work; and they are geared both, to psychotherapists wanting to expand their knowledge and skills, as well as to lay people interested in self awareness, through getting in touch with the wisdom of their bodies

Music Art and Creativity

These series of workshops essentially focus of inspiring and engaging the participants through music, art or any creative work, to help them get in touch with and explore their inner creative spirit.
These workshops are held by experts in these fields who use a variety of techniques - creative visualization, expression, reflection and sharing that enable the participants to get in touch with their hearts, mind, and bodies.

Living from the Heart

"Living from the Heart" is a 2-day Creativity workshop to explore one’s inner wealth of strengths, passion, and heartfelt interests not just to earn a living outside, but to bring all round fulfillment.
It involves music & relaxation exercises, creative visualization, individual reflection and sharing, plus guidance on concrete steps to be taken in order to unfold talents and skills.

Intuitive Writing

"Intuitive Writing" is a one-day workshop that creates a comfortable space for participants to allow expression from deepest (and hidden) pockets of their being. Using a variety of relaxation exercises and mediums of expressions it facilitates participants to recognize their body wisdom and get in touch with their unexpressed feelings.
Intuitive Writing creates the possibility to:
- Create self-awareness
- Bring forth creativity
- Heal emotional wounds
- Relate authentically
- Play, share and laugh

The Dance Within

The Dance Within is a creative movement and dance workshop that arises from my belief that we are all dancers who have merely lost the beat in the din of life!
All we need is a ‘safe’ space where its okay to forget that there’s a world out there which expects us to be ‘serious and responsible adults’; where we can let our hair down and re-discover the magic of our bodies, and play and laugh and simply enjoy the moment; a space where we can let go of inhibitions and in doing so find our own natural movement vocabulary, and support each other in a journey to discover THE DANCE WITHIN.