Our main goal at Basicindia is to see and value the truth of our connections with each other all over the earth, with the planet itself, with all living creatures.
While getting to know each other, we felt that we would also like to put you in touch with friends and with people whose work and efforts we respect and admire, with whom we feel related, whose goals are similar to ours. On this page you will find various links to websites or blogs written by individuals.
Samuel Widmer

Love, healing and community are the main themes in everything that Samuel Widmer expresses.

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Kirschblüte Community

The Cherry Blossom Community in Switzerland. People living together to experiment with a new way of life based on equality, freedom and trust

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A community based in Germany which explores socially and ecologically sustainable ways of living

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Charles Eisenstein

An inspiring writer and speaker on the subject of creating an alternate society

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Auroville aims to be an alternate town in which men and women from different parts of the world can live in peace and harmony

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Yuva (turkish for "our home") is a community near Foca, at the westcoast of Turkey, with people there spending their life together.

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A peace research project which aims for a future society free of hatred, lies, violence and fear on this planet

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