From the innermost heart of us all – A deeper look at tantra

A short piece on Tantra as a way of life, by Daniele Nicolet Widmer

Tantra is my life. The way of Tantra was always my way, even before I was aware of it. Tantra is an attitude, an attitude of the spirit, a way of life, which finally has as much or as little to do with sexuality as with food or talking or money or anything else.
Tantra is the way of loyalty, loyalty above all to complete love, to the whole truth, and the way of freedom. Tantra is the way of renunciation. The renunciation of all that does not lead to love, does not increase it. Tantra is saying No to everything that does not lead to the depths, to the essential, to what is true and to wholeness. In the process it becomes the way of Yes, to real fulfilment, true ecstasy, to a life that is whole and based on responsibility.
Over a long period and especially in the beginning, this is a lonely way, but it makes you strong, because it makes you independent and free – and the most beautiful thing about it – is that it brings the highest form of ecstasy, the greatest fulfilment!
Tantra is the way of attention, of mindfulness, and of balance. It unites renunciation and fulfilment, hunger and being satiated, freedom and fidelity. It merges the No with the Yes, in the sense that every moment, it chooses that which brings you closer to the truth, closer to love. It leaves aside everything that is supposed to bring along  quick, cheap pleasure.
The promise – my promise to you, is love

Daniele Nicolet Widmer
Translated by Uma

Posted in From Friends in the Swiss Kirschblüte Community.

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