A few words from Daniele’s diary

Daniele Widmer Nicolet, has been Samuel’s partner for over 15 years and conducts workshops together with him all over the world. Recently I came across a book put together from extracts, both from her diary and Samuel’s, which moved me and I thought I would occasionally share some of it with you.

The blue of the sky seems to me so light and vulnerable this morning and the cotton wool like clouds which move one by one towards the east, belong neither to a particular day nor to any time. My body is cool and defenceless like a little child’s, and deep inside there glows a heart, hot and simultaneously, quivering.
What is it that drives us, what gives us direction and what do I nourish my intention with? When is it good to act and when does holding back, lead to goodness? There is so much confusion, there is so much to do, and even more that we need to let go of, and everywhere, everywhere in the world, is suffering.
Right now the press photos of the year have to do with the world: a father with his two dead sons on his shoulder, a prisoner of war with a sack over his head, and his child on his lap behind a barbed wire fence, screaming, and the children with their faces covered on a street corner in Baghdad…
Why is it not enough to see just one such picture and to live forever, without violence?
Such pictures must change the world, I think, and yet they dont do that.
Doesn’t anybody see them, does no one allow themselves to be moved by them?
I dont understand it -!
Outside, the sky has become somewhat more blue but the day is still very pale. On the mountain across the snow has begun to melt, the forests are bare and wait, it is a time of missing colours. Something in me continues to gather energy and to wait for spring, for the warmth, for the light. A new form, a new colour, a new fragrance, which I can guess at but as yet dont know anything about.
Something staggers between tiredness and impatience, between giving up and pushing on here and there. Questions which as yet I dont know –
My spirit flutters now and then like a frightened bird and does not know where to settle down. The tree in which it had built its nest till now, is no longer there. It has not yet found a new tree – spring will show where the new home is supposed to emerge.

Posted in From Friends in the Swiss Kirschblüte Community.

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